Ecosystems Assignment

Module:        WLD1010

Materials:   Students will need access to poster making equipment, computer and printer, internet and various documents


“Ecosystem” Assignment - Define an ecosystem: biotic and a-biotic components, explain interrelatedness of components, select and compare two ecosystems from within Alberta; identify environmental factors which affect wildlife populations; explain “carrying capacity” and “limiting factors”, include a food chain which includes consumers and producers of the most and least complexity. Your project can be done in the form of a poster, power point presentation, or written report. It will be presented to the instructor and not the entire class. This can be a 2 person project, or it can be done individually. If it is a group project, each paragraph or slide needs to indicate who created it. In the case of the presentation, both members of the group will present their information.

“Urban vs Rural” Assignment - Describe the major groups of wildlife in Canada and Alberta; give examples of species in urban vs rural environments; give examples of species in terrestrial vs aquatic environments. The species you look at in each environment should match for both rural and urban. For each of the species – and you should have at least three – briefly describe the adaptations made by the species to be able to survive in that environment. Use a matrix with Urban/Rural on one axis and Land/Water on the other.

Use a comparison chart format to compare the status of five species of wildlife found in both urban and rural areas and the differences in their adaptations in each environment. (WLD1020)




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